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1. Musical Instruments
2. Audiovisual Materials
3. Publications
4. Contact Us
The archival collections can be used only for the purpose of scholarly research or (non-profit) educational activities. As a rule, none of the materials in the collections can be borrowed or duplicated, and must be used only within the Archives. However, if determined to be necessary for the purpose of scholarly research or educational activities outside of the Archives, it is possible to borrow or duplicate under the following guidelines.
1.Musical Instruments
1?1 Borrowing Policy (for outside school)
Due to the sensitivity of the instruments to changes in heat and humidity, many problems occur in storage even within the Archives. Because of this, lending instruments outside of the university is rare. In the case where it has been necessary to borrow an instrument for research or education as explained above some exceptions have been made. Borrowing of an instrument by publishers and broadcasters even for educational purposes will be denied if used for the purpose of making money.
The representative of the institution or sponsor of the function that wishes to borrow an instrument(s) should send the documents listed in item1-2 to UEMURA Yukio, Director of the Archives. The instrument(s) will be lent only in the case that the Director determines its necessity.
Documents necessary for borrowing instruments
1) A statement of the purpose of the function and the necessity of displaying the instrument
2) The name of the instrument to be borrowed
3) Place and dates of exhibition
4) Period of loan
5) How the instrument will be stored during use
6) How the instrument will be transported
7) Name of institution/function and representative/sponsor
8) Name of insurance or type of compensation in case of damage to or loss of instrument
9) Name and address of person responsible
1?2 Borrowing Policy (for inside school)
For the purposes of lectures, official concerts within the school., teachers and students at the Tokyo University of the Arts can borrow musical instrument(s), provided that the instrument(s) is/ are stored safely. Users are requested to submit an application form to our archive, at least one week before borrowing,
1?3 Taking photographs and videos of instruments In this case the following steps should be taken.
1?3?1 Taking photographs and videos
Send a letter of application stating the purpose, instrument name, and a detailed explanation of photograph or video to the Director of the Archives. In addition, attach a statement that the instrument will not be used for any purposes other than as stated on the letter of application. After confirmation and acknowledgement by the Director, permission will be given.
However, because all of the instruments are property of the country Japan, a fee for taking photos and videos must be paid to the National Treasury. Once the Director of the Archives approves the application, the same letter of application should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Music. The Accounting Section will then do the appropriate paper work. Because the Archives does not take part in setting fees for taking photos and videos, negotiations should be done directly with the Accounting Section.
1?3?2 Using existing photographs from the Archives
As a general rule, photographs can be used only for the purposes of research and not-for-profit enterprises.
First send a letter of application as explained above for taking photographs and videos. If permission is granted then the photographs will be able to use. In order to avoid damage to the original photos, duplicates will be made for you. However, the fee for duplication will be charged to you, and the duplicates must be returned to the Archives after use.? The letter of application must also be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Music, and the duplication fees should be paid to the National Treasury through the Accounting Section.
1?4 Reprints taken from the Catalog of the Musical Instrument Collection
You wish to reprint photographs used in the Catalog of the Musical Instrument Collection of The Koizumi Fumio Memorial Archives should send a letter to the Director of the Archives. The letter should include the purpose of reprinting, the contents of the publication in which the reprint would be used.
In this case, there will be no charges, but the photograph should be clearly labeled “The Koizumi Fumio Memorial Archives, Faculty of Music, Tokyo National University of the Arts” in the publication. Also, because the Archives are continually collecting related materials, they would deeply appreciate a copy of the publication donated to the book collection.
2 Audiovisual materials
Audiovisual materials may be dubbed only when used for the purpose of scholarly research. The only materials that may be dubbed are the originals made by the late KOIZUMI Fumio. Any aired programs, LP records, tapes, films, etc. in which the late KOIZUMI Fumio appeared cannot be dubbed or copied.
Precautions will be taken in order to protect privacy from opening dubbed or copied audiovisual materials to the public. It is not easy to receive permission to dub or copy any materials.
??? Send your name, place of employment, address, contents of the materials needed, and the purpose of your research to The Koizumi Fumio Memorial Archives. If permission is given by the Director to dub the materials, we ask that you abide by the following:
??? 1) Do not use the materials for purposes except for research, and do not give the materials to a third party.
??? 2) In respect of the informants or peoples included in the videos or tapes, the Archives reserves the right to give or reject consent to publicize the results.
??? 3) Before publicizing research results, in respect of the informants and peoples in the videos and tapes, it must be confirmed that the materials are not used for any purposes outside of the specified research or given to a third party. When the research is publicized the publications (videos, tapes, etc.) must be clearly indicated.3.Publications
All of the publications in the Archives are registered as property of the main library at the Tokyo National University of the Arts, and are treated the same as publications which are distributed to other research centers within the university. According to the library regulations, publications in research centers cannot be lent outside of the university. However, all published materials may be looked at within the centers themselves.
Photocopying service is not available at the Archives. However, if a formal request through the Reference and Interlibrary Loan Desk of the main library is placed, as a general rule the photocopying can be done.
??? Main Library at the Tokyo National University of the Arts
??? Reference and Interlibrary Loan Desk
??? Tel: (country code 81) 50-5525-2428? (direct line)
Some materials cannot be photocopied due to paper deterioration. Direct any questions regarding copying regulations to the main library.