ÿþ<!-- 482 taegum --> <html> <head> <title>NO.482-taegum</title> </head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8"> <body> <h1>482 taeg&#365;m</h1> <a href="../../image/482.jpg"> Image <img src="../../image/482.jpg" width=40 height=40></a>( JPEG format )<br> <!--<a href="../sound/482.au">Sound</a>( Au format )<br>--> <hr> Korea<br> bamboo; L. 68.0cm<br> fingerholes: 6 ;soundholes: 4 ; ornamental hole: 1<br> range: b<sup>m&</sup>-e<sup>m&</sup>""<br> <hr> <p> See 481. The instrument in the archives is a folk music model. <p> <hr> <a href="481.html">[ &lt;&lt; ]</a>-- <a href="483.html">[ &gt;&gt; ]</a> <br><br> <a href="../transverseflutes.html">[ Back to transverse flutes ]</a> <a href="../aerophones.html">[ Back to AEROPHONES ]</a><br> <a href="../">[ Back to Top Menu ]</a> <a href="../../index-e.html">[ Back to Contents ]</a><br> <P><A HREF="../../japanese/html-text/482-j.html">[Japanese]</body> </html>