"unite bench" KOMATSU Toshiaki, 1985
"KOMATSU Toshiaki Retrospective Exhibition - Dougu Design Exhibition (dougu=products) "
- Pursuing the intergration of practicality and beauty -
Session丗 January 10(Th.) - 27 (So.) 2002, Closed on Mondays except January14(Mon).
10:00-17:00 (entry allowed until 30 minutes before closing.)
Place丗 Chinretsukan Gallery, The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Admission丗 free

Designs of communication devices, climbing and skiing gear are among some of the things I designed when I began as a designer. As an educator and a researcher at this University my focus has also always been on the integration of practicality and beauty. I applied this philosophy and integrated it in the study of Industrial Design and its many fields.

This "Dougu Design" exhibition includes some of the products I designed since the 1980's and it is divided into two sections; one is "Seikatsu no Dougu" (products that support daily life) and the other is "Seisan no Dougu"(products that support manufacturing). Some of them are manufactured products, and some of them are experimental prototypes. These designs are showed in photographs or as actual items.

Organized by The Faculty of Fine Arts and The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music

General Design Course
"KOMATSU Toshiaki and MOCHIZUKI Seki Retrospective Exhibitions" comittee
Phone: 03-5685-7605

NTT Hello Dial丂03-5777-8600

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