exhibition portraits list reports to HP to japanese
The graduation works and self-portraits painted by students have been collected over many years at the Tokyo National University of Fine Artsand Music. They have formed an important core of the university乫s collectionto the present day. This exhibition especially focuses on oil paintings, pursuing the starting point of young artists, especially how they faced depicting themselves in assigned self portraits over the change of times. Along with the self-portraits, the graduation works which were paintedat the same time are displayed, enabling to show the personality of the artist and their viewpoints at the time, or the unique world that the artist created, to make a different way to appreciate the works possible.

In this exhibition 135 oil painting were selected from works between 1896 when oil painting course was established, to 1954. Graduation works which were part of the curriculum from the beginning of the oil painting course and self-portraits since 1899 have been acquired continuously until today except for an interruption of a few years. We hope you will enjoy this exhibition characteristic of our university.

仭Session and Hours
2002 April 26. (Fr.) - June.30. (Sun.), 10:00 - 17:00乮enter by 16:30乯
Closed on Mondays except on April 29.and May 6., which are national holidays and April 30. and May 7. are closed.
The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Adults 700 (600) yen, University and High School Students 400 (300), *() indicate (group fee), free under Junior High School Stundents.
NTT Hello Dial 03-5777-8600

Organized by Tokyo National University of Arts and Music, NHK Promotion

* No parking in the museum