Tokyo University of the Arts
The 60th Graduation Works Exhibition
Dates: Jan 29 (Sun) - Feb 3 (Fri), 2012
Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Place: Undergraduates -- The University premises
Graduates -- The University Art Museum; The University premises

Organized by: Tokyo University of the Arts
Admission: Free
The University Office of Registrar: 050-5525-2123
*The Inter Media Art displays their document works. Their original works will be open to the public by the exhibition of Inter Media Art乬Tokyo University of the Arts Inter Media Art Graduation Works 2012 in Yokohama乭

Tokyo University of the Arts Inter Media Art Graduation Works 2012 in Yokohama
Dates: Jan 7 (Sat) - 15 (Sun), 2012
Hours: 11:30-19:00
Place: BankART Studio NYK(Yokohama)
Organized by: Master Course of Inter Media Art, Graduate School of Fine Arts
Admission: Free
-> website
Inquiry: sentan2012@gmail.com

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