corona Tokyo University of the Arts GEIDAI x GLOBAL FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS TUA The Graduate School of Global Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts Course of Global Art Practice TUA Admission Information

notice “NATURE AND ME” Eleven Dreams (in August 6)

2015.08.02 | ALL, EVENT

International Joint Project
granted by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) through its
Program for Enforcing the Function of National Universities
“NATURE AND ME”  Eleven Dreams

The Tokyo University of the Arts and the ?cole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts (ENSBA) was selected for the ? Program to Enhance the Function of National Universities ? of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to start from this year a new international collaboration program. This lead us to launch a new unit, to conduct a Global Art joint curriculum. Students from both schools visit each other in Paris in France and Japan to develop their research and fieldwork through workshops and discussions along the theme of ? Nature and Me ?.
In the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015, we will show the result of the works of the students around the ? Social Art Practice ?.
We are pleased to show the outcomes of the international joint project between the students from both countries.

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015
Performance Event ? NATURE AND ME ?

"NATURE AND ME" Eleven Dreams? >>“NATURE AND ME” Eleven Dreams Flayer
? ? ? ?(PDF:1.32MB) ?Japanese only




Date Thursday 6th of August 2015?
Time Doors open: 18:30, starts 19:00
Venue Bunagaike Pond Nature Park (Kamoo, Tokamachi-City, Niigata Prefecture)
Capacity 100 people
?In case of rain Gymnasium of Sansho House
Content Students from the Tokyo University of the Arts and the ?cole des Beaux Arts will work together with children and parents participating in the summer school of Echigo-Tsumari, to perform on the stage of Bunagaike Pond Nature Park. The students will perform with costumes that they made themselves on the theme of nature. Children will sing a song altogether for the finale.?

Tokyo University of the Arts × ?cole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts Global Art Joint Project

Basic concept: Jean-Luc Vilmouth,?Clélia Zernik
Feild of modeling: Toyomi Hoshina,?Sonobe Hidenori, Yusuke Nishimura
Nature and me of modeling:?Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Toshimaru Uehara, Tsuyoshi Ozawa,?Shinji Ohmaki
Landscape of sound:?Tatsuhiko Nishioka, Tokyo University of the Arts?Graduate School of music students
Light of the landscape:?Yoshito Ikeda
Literary creation, Performer:?Tokyo University of the Arts?students and??cole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts?students 20 people
Performer:?Children of Echigo-tsumari?Summer camp member


Related exhibition

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015

Date From Sunday 26TH of July to Sunday 13th of September?
Venue Nunagawa Campus(576 Murono Tokamachi-city,Niigata Prefecture)

?Related link
