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"Sculputres of the Meiji Era focusing on TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi and ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki"


Report on the restoration of GIGEITEN by TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi

Restoration Process
Left Shoulder
Lower Back

About TAKENOUCHI Kyuichi

Major exhibits
Gigeiten 乮Buddhist celestial being)
Emperor Jinmu
Skanda, son of Hindu god Siva
Kumemai dance

About ISHIKAWA Mitsuaki

Major exhibits
Herd boy
TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi
Shou-lao-ren乮God of longevity)

Exhibits List
Exhibits List
Gigeiten is a buddist celestial being who presides over the arts, fortune and virtue, wears celestial garments and buddhist ornamental accessories, and holds celestial flowers on her left hand. Takenouchi Kyuichi (1857-1916), professor of the Tokyo Fine Arts School, created a large Gigeiten sculpture to represent the art of traditional Japanese wooden sculpture at the Chicago Columbus World Fair of 1893. Since then the color pigment layer had exfoliated drastically from the wooden body. This exhibition is to commemorate the completion of the restoration of Takenouchi's Gigeiten, with other pieces by Takenouchi and also by Ishikawa Mitsuaki (1852-1913), who acted together with Takenouchi as professor of sculpture at the Tokyo Fine Arts School.

August 13. (Tu.) - September 16. (Mon./Holiday), 2002
Closed on Monday except on September 16.
10丗00亅17丗00( enter by 16丗30 乯
Adults 300(250) yen, University and High School Students 100(50)
*() indicate (group fee), free under Junior High School Stundents.
Special exhibitions require a separate admission fee.
NTT Hallo Dial 03-5777-8600

*No Parking