- clappers
- Two or more rod- or board-shaped sonorous parts are atruck against
each other.
- HS number ; 111.11 : 111.12 : 112.111
- castanets/cymbals
- Two or more bowl-shaped sonorous parts are struck together.
- HS number ; 111.141 : 111.142
- xylophones/metallophones
- Rod-, board- or tube-shaped sonorous parts are struck with the hands or with beaters.
- HS number ; 111.211 : 111.221 : 111.222
- slit drums ( percussion tubes & vessels )
- A sonorous object with a slit is struck with the hands or with beaters.
- HS number ; 111.231
- stamping tubes and sticks
- A sonorous object is struck against the ground or a hard object.
- HS number ; 111.232
- gongs
- A vessel-shaped sonorous object is struct with the hands or with breaters.
A boss is the center,of vibration.
- HS number ; 111.241.1 : 111.241.2
- bells
- A sonorous object is struck with the bands or with beaters. A strikre ( clapper )
is suspended inside or outside the bell and moves to cause vibration. The opening of
the bell is the center of vibration.
- HS number ; 111.242
- rattles
- A sonorous object is shaken.
- HS number ; 112.13 : 112.122 : 111.242.122
- scraped idiophones
- A sonorous object is scraped.
- HS number ; 112.211
- jew's harps
- A sonorous object is plucked. By regulating the size of the oral cavity one
lamella can produce many pitches.
- HS number ; 121.21 : 121.2
- mbiras(plucked idiophones)
- A sonorous object is plucked. Each lamella produces one pitch.
- HS number ; 122.12
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