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Services & Maps
The collections can be directly viewed, read, or listened to at the Archives.
As a general rule, duplication or dubbing is not permitted.
Catalogs of books collection (written in Japanese, Chinese and Korean)
at the Archives is available for use.
All instruments may be handled and played.
Each of the instruments is listed in the Catalog of the Musical Instrument Collection which can be referenced for further details.
To ask a question or to make an appointment, use our website form.
Monday 13:15~16:45
Tuesday 10:30~17:00
Thursday 10:30~15:30
Wednesday 10:30~17:00
Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, National Holidays
August, March, Entrance Exam Period, New Year Holidays

Take look at larger map
〒 110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8 東京芸術大学 音楽学部
【JR】上野駅?鴬谷駅 下車徒歩10分
【地下鉄】銀座線?日比谷線上野駅 下車徒歩15分|千代田線?根津駅 下車徒歩約10分
【京成電鉄】京成上野駅 下車徒歩15分
【都営バス】上26系統(亀戸←→上野公園)谷中バス停 下車徒歩約3分
【台東区循環バス】東西めぐりん東京芸術大学バス停 下車すぐ