東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

Caution against Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)[updated; Feb 04]

2020年02月03日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活

Caution against Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) To the students and faculties arriving from China [updated; Feb 04]

As notified on the website and by e-mails from Tokyo University of the Arts since 24 Jan. 2020, it is important to stay informed and to take appropriate actions against the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Check the latest reliable resources such as websites of public authorities and notifications from the university.

Since the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus infection has been reported in multiple countries and some cases have been confirmed in Japan, those who have returned from the epidemic country (China) or have had close contact(*) with a resident of Hubei Province including Wuhan City, are requested to take the following measures.

If you have inquiry, call the university Health Care Service Center (contact details are indicated below).

1.If you HAVE fever (37.5 or more) or respiratory symptoms when arriving JAPAN or at close contact (within two weeks):

 Avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, and consult a quarantine station at the airport or call your local public health center immediately. Follow the instruction of the local public health center about consultation for the further diagnosis. Wear a mask when you visit a medical institution.

2.If you have NO SYMPTOMS when arriving JAPAN or at close contact.

?(1) Observe your physical condition every day for two weeks after returning to Japan, and take the following actions.
①Practice regular preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes. Wear a mask when you are sick with coughing or sneezing.
②Check your physical condition every day for two weeks.
?Fever; monitor your temperature every morning for 14 consecutive days.
?Respiratory symptoms: Severe cough or difficulty to breath.
Watch for the health of those who share a home with you.

(2)When respiratory symptom such as coughing or fever-up appears:
Same as 1.above.①Avoid contact with other people. Wear a mask.
②Make sure to call local public health center of the district? to tell them that you had been in China and having symptom. Follow the instruction of the local public health center about consultation for the further diagnosis. Wear a mask when you visit a medical institution..

3To Find your local public health center
List of public health centers of local district(Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

4.If you are diagnosed having Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection;
Make a phone call to the university
?Students: Student Affairs Division (General Affairs Section) ?? 050-5525-2065
?Faculty and staffs:General Affairs Section(Human Resources Section) ? 050-5525-2016

* “Close contact”
Close contact is defined as—? (https://www.cdc.gov/)
a) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters), or within the room or care area, of a novel coronavirus case for a prolonged period of time while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment or PPE (e.g., gowns, gloves, NIOSH-certified disposable N95 respirator, eye protection); close contact can include caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a health care waiting area or room with a novel coronavirus case.– or –
b) having direct contact with infectious secretions of a novel coronavirus case (e.g., being coughed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment.

 Health Service Center
?UENO Campus(weekdays 8:45~16:45)?050-5525-2456
?TORIDE Campus(weekdays10:30~17:00)?050-5525-2547